C. de Lériger
Writer – Tarot – Breathwork
Écrivain – Tarot – Respiration consciente
Escritor – Tarot – Respiración consciente
First of all – Pour commencer – Para empezar
Welcome – Bonjour – Bienvenudo !
I am C. de Lériger (pronounced Mary J. but with an 'L' instead of an 'M'). I am Tarot Card Reader, Breathworker, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT – Tapping) Practitioner, Content Creator, Lightworker, Crystal Reiki Master, Transcendental Dowser, Energyworker, and an LGBTQ2S+ Black Novelist.
Je m'appelle C. de Lériger. Je suis lecteur de tarot, technicien dans la Respiration consciente, praticien en Technique de Libération Émotionnelle (EFT - Tapping), créateur de contenu, travailleur de lumière (Lightworker), maître de Reiki cristallin, radiesthésist transcendantale, travailleur énergétique, et écrivain noire LGBTQ2S+.
Me llamo C. de Lériger. Soy Lector de Cartas del Tarot, trabajador de la Respiración consciente, practicante de la Técnica de Liberación Emocional (EFT - Tapping), creador de contenido, Lightworker, Maestro de Reiki Cristalino, Radiestesista Trascendental, trabajador de la energía, y un Novelista Negro LGBTQ2S+.
My Books – Mes publications – Mis libros
Novels – Romans – Novelas
Firstly, I want to thank every single one of you who have chosen to support me buy purchasing and reading my books. Please accept my sincerest gratitude. I am neither Trans, non-binary, nor gender-fluid, but as a Afro-Caribbean LGBTQIA2S+ artist, I felt compelled to write a series of the type of hero I wanted to see more of in mainstream storytelling. This Private Detective Series celebrates the triumphs and failures of a gender-fluid non-binary private investigator whose checkered past provides them with insight and colorful approaches to finding clues and solving crimes. In a previous life, she was trained in the art of thievery and corporate espionage for her nemesis and former employer, Draya, the Madame who runs Harlot Headquaters. All situated in the fictional town of Cormier, Pennsylvania, this series is a fun and thrilling inclusive take on the murder-mystery genre. With the help of their friends, socially savvy sidekick, Daphne, and their former Trans colleague, Amber, Stacie gets themselves out of dangerous and explosive situations trying to seek justice for those who seldom find it.
Premièrement, je tiens à remercier chacun d'entre vous qui a choisi de me soutenir en achetant et en lisant mes romans. Veuillez accepter ma plus sincère gratitude. Je ne suis ni Trans, ni non-binaire, ni gender-fluid, mais en tant qu'artiste afro-caribéenne LGBTQIA2S+, je me suis senti obligé d'écrire une série sur le type de héros que je voulais voir plus souvent dans les récits grand public. Cette série de détective privé célèbre les triomphes et les échecs d'une enquêtrice privée non binaire et gender-fluid, dont le passé mouvementé lui permet de trouver des indices et de résoudre des crimes de manière originale et colorée. Dans une vie antérieure, elle a été formée à l'art du vol et de l'espionnage d'entreprise pour son ennemie jurée et ancien employeure, Draya, la Madame qui dirige le Harlot Headquaters. Située dans la ville fictive de Cormier, en Pennsylvanie, cette série est une façon amusante et palpitante d'aborder le genre meurtre-mystère. Avec l'aide de ses amis, de son acolyte Daphne, socialement avisée, et de son ancienne collègue Trans, Amber, Stacie se sort de situations dangereuses et explosives en essayant de rendre justice à ceux et celles qui ne la trouvent que rarement.
En primer lugar, quiero dar las gracias a todos y cada uno de los que han decidido apoyarme comprando y leyendo mis libros. Acepten mi más sincera gratitud. No soy ni Trans, ni no binario, ni de género fluido, pero como artista afro-caribeño LGBTQIA2S+, me sentí obligado a escribir una serie del tipo de héroe que quería ver más en la narrativa convencional. Esta serie de novelas detective privado celebra los triunfos y fracasos de una investigadora privada no binaria de género fluido, cuyo accidentado pasado le proporciona perspicacia y coloridos enfoques para encontrar pistas y resolver crímenes. En una vida anterior, fue entrenada en el arte del robo y el espionaje corporativo para su némesis y antigua empleadora, Draya, la Madame que dirige Harlot Headquaters. Situada en la ciudad ficticia de Cormier, Pennsylvania, esta serie es una divertida y emocionante revisión del género de asesinato y misterio. Con la ayuda de sus amigas, su compañera socialmente inteligente, Daphne, y su antigua colega Trans, Amber, Stacie sale airosa de situaciones peligrosas y explosivas tratando de buscar justicia para aquellos y aquellas que rara vez la encuentran.
Available on Amazon (Kindle) – Kobo – iBooks (Apple) – Google Books
Available on Amazon (Kindle) – Kobo – iBooks (Apple)
Books – Livres – Libros
I've also written a book documenting and illustrating my Energy Psychology Modality which targets PTSD and CPTSD symptoms and using EFT/Tapping to accelerate the release and integration process in the Unconscious via the Subconscious. Again, if you are in need of medical attention, I am neither a licensed therapist nor medical practitioner, but I can say for certain that the methodology I hope to share with the world using this book has changed my life substantially. These are approaches I have used throughout my adult life and have served me time and time again. I hope to eventually help others using online coaching sessions. This practice is based on ancient medicines passed along from generation to generation over centuries.
J'ai également écrit un livre qui documente et illustre ma modalité de psychologie énergétique qui cible les symptômes du PTSD et du CPTSD et qui utilise l'EFT/Tapping pour accélérer le processus de libération et d'intégration dans l'inconscient via le subconscient. Encore une fois, si vous avez besoin de soins médicaux, je ne suis ni thérapeute ni médecin, mais je peux affirmer avec certitude que la méthodologie que j'espère partager avec le monde grâce à ce livre a changé ma vie de manière substantielle. Ce sont des approches que j'ai utilisées tout au long de ma vie d'adulte et qui m'ont servi à plusieurs reprises. Éventuellement, j'espère pouvoir aider d'autres personnes grâce à des séances de coaching en ligne. Cette pratique est basée sur d'anciens traditions transmises de génération en génération depuis des siècles.
También he escrito un libro documentando e ilustrando mi Modalidad de Psicología Energética que se enfoca en los síntomas del PTSD y CPTSD y usando EFT/Tapping para acelerar el proceso de liberación e integración en el Inconsciente a través del Subconsciente. Una vez más, si usted está en necesidad de atención médica, no soy un terapeuta con licencia ni médico, pero puedo decir con certeza que la metodología que espero compartir con el mundo usando este libro ha cambiado mi vida sustancialmente. Son enfoques que he utilizado a lo largo de mi vida adulta y que me han servido una y otra vez. Eventualmente, espero poder ayudar a otras personas mediante sesiones de coaching en línea. Esta práctica se basa en antiguas medicinas transmitidas de generación en generación durante siglos.
About C. de Lériger
I have been doing Breathwork and Tarot Readings for more than 30 years; Tapping, Dowsing, and Reiki for more than 5 years; started writing my first self-published novel 8 years ago; and I have just started building audiences on my social media channels over the past 3 years. Occasionally, I hope to use this space for blogging spiritual and intellectual thoughts, ideas, inspirations. I will eventually expand and provide extended readings on my YouTube channel, but for the time being, my audience is not large enough. My TikTok and Twitter audiences, however, have been the much more responsive.
Eventually during my retirement, I hope to own and run a Breathwork business to help others with PTSD & CPTSD issues in the same way I managed to help myself with my own Quantum Energy Psychology Modality. I would also love to learn how to provide more Energy Multidimensional Healings for people dealing with difficult and chronic medical issues. I know from personal experience how frustrating (and expensive) it can be to live with long-term conditions that one has to adjust to, and no one seems to know what to do about. Now, I need to point out that I am not, nor do I claim to be a doctor or medical professional/practitioner. I am not affiliated with any pharmaceutical company or government body. This type of work I do is only to help others help themselves. It’s the type of thing you can only do for yourself (no one can do it for you) – the more work you put into it, the more you can benefit (like fitness). I cannot emphasize that point any stronger. If you do require medical attention, please seek out a professional. But what I will say is that I have been absolutely fortunate to have found VERY effective solutions that have helped me tremendously, and eventually, I hope to help others in the same way. From someone who had to see it to believe it, I am know it can offer hope for others who live under similar afflictions. And the funny thing is, these solutions are ancient medicines. People have been doing it for centuries. I was just shocked at how well it worked for me.
I am based in the Ottawa, Canada area. I tend to be an optimist (depends on the situation, of course). I am also an introvert (enjoy spending time on my own), a knitter (still haven’t perfected my sweater), an intermittent faster (lost 40 lbs so far in 2023), a Hydrogen Fuel Cell enthusiast (convinced it will revolutionize transportation – including saltwater batteries), and an advocate for the advancement of isolated minority communities (grew up in rural communities in both North and South America).
Just recently, I’ve begun creating my own Crystal Singing Bowl Copper Wands (had a very strong intuitive download) and built my own sound-reduced microphone box for recording audiobook versions of my two LGBTQ novels, Ruby and Peach (Books 1 & 2 of the Stacie Brie Missteries).